BOSS Manufacturers' Forum

The first in person forum for 2024 will be on 20th June at Carden Park Resort, the day after the BOSS Charity Day.

The forum provides an opportunity for manufacturers within the business supplies industry to highlight and discuss challenges and topical issues.

The meetings provide a conduit where these issues can be fed back to the wider business supplies community or taken to the Government. This networking forum is held virtually and in-person and operates under Chatham House rules.

This meeting will also facilitate the opportunity to catch up with industry colleagues face to face at a beautiful location with splendid facilities (if you have a bit of spare time to indulge!).

**If you need to book a hotel room, there are a limited number of rooms still available. These are available on a non-refundable basis. To reserve a room, contact Carden Park Reservations on 01829 731007, quoting “BOSS180624“.**