12 May 2021

Cyber security webinar - book your place today

Whether you are a small scale business or a multinational organisation - all businesses in today's world deal with cyber threats.

Whether you are a small scale business or a multinational organisation - all businesses in today's world deal with cyber threats.

Purely relying on anti-virus software will not stop hackers from accessing your business.

There is a crucial role that needs to be played by educating employees/business to ensure they reduce their chances of cyber risks. The increased measures and efforts that cyber criminals are taking, coupled with the rapid shift to digital brought on by the pandemic has emphasised the importance of organisations setting out their cyber strategy.

58% of UK Organisation cited an attack on cloud services

(PWC Cyber report 2021)

Want to learn more about cyber breaches?

Join us on the 3rd June at 1pm that will look at how to deal with a breach using a live scenario.

The webinar will be a live demonstration of a data breach, with our partners, Aston Lark, to give you an opportunity to understand, in more depth, the severity of not being cyber secure. This will be a thought provoking and interactive session.

This interactive workshop will revolve around a live ransomware scenario impacting a business.

The workshop will focus on:

  • The practical impact of a ransomware attack
  • The team of experts that will need to be assembled, what each team will do and some essential considerations for selecting your experts
  • The key commercial, legal and regulatory decisions that need to be made when facing a ransomware incident
  • The potential financial and reputational exposures that arise from the incident
  • What you can do to minimise the chances of being impacted by ransomware

Click here to register: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZMtdO6tqDsqHNZVMN75sxJsxCwZru6Gr300









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